Lionel Messi, FIFA WC : Behich misses best World Cup goal, provokes Messi

 FIFA world cup 2022: Behich was not far behind. Augie criss-crossed midfield from the left side of the defence. Auji stepped into the attack with dazzling speed, leaving the two Argentines behind. Argentina entered the box in the blink of an eye. That goal could have been perfect.

Behich misses best World Cup goal, provokes Messi

Doha: Argentina entered the quarter-finals as expected after winning against Australia. In that match, Lionel Messi once again showed the football world how desperate he is to win the World Cup in Qatar. The accident happened in that match. Argentina won the match 2-1. But there was no less excitement in that match. 10 minutes before the break, there was a fight between Aziz Behich and Messi. There were scuffles, jersey tugging and eye contact. What happened on the field, brought up by NextWorldCup.

The chaos started from the fight for possession of the ball. Messi is always calm on the field. But there is no doubt that he was seriously injured in that incident. Behich grabbed Messi's jersey as the ball crossed the line. Behich glared at Messi as he pushed. There is a heated exchange. Messi did not back down. The referee came forward to handle the situation. Messi does not get angry like this on the football field. His sarcasm was evident when Colombian striker Yerry Mina missed a penalty at the Copa America in July. Messi fired back at Mina's celebration after the goal. But Messi did not open his mouth in Qatar. However, he did not hide his anger.

 Argentinian midfielder Mack Allister said, "It's moments like this that fire inside Messi comes out. He always surpasses himself in the match. He wanted to prove himself even more in such an exciting game.” Alistair is right. Messi answered exactly 2 minutes after Messi-Behich trouble. Just in his familiar mood. Messi broke through the Aji defense by playing an impeccable one-two. Then Messi-Magic. He caught the opposing goalkeeper Matt Ryan coolly and put the ball in the net. The first goal of the match was scored from his foot.

 Bayhich was not far behind. Augie criss-crossed midfield from the left side of the defence. Auji stepped into the attack with dazzling speed, leaving the two Argentines behind. Argentina entered the box in the blink of an eye. That goal could have been perfect. Could have been one of the best shots of Bayhich's career. But he couldn't finish it. Argentine star goalkeeper Emiliano Martinez proved that he is not easy to beat. He was in the field for a long time in frustration of not being able to score.

Behich's father fled northern Cyprus to Australia in the 1970s to save his life. Behich's father was a famous footballer. His picture was printed on chewing gum wrappers. Just like the pictures of Kapil Dev and Viv Richards were printed in the eighties. This World Cup best goal could have been that chewing gum image moment in Behich's life.

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