Anil Gurav Viv Richards Of Mumbai, The Man Once Upon A Time Who Was Better Than Sachin Tendulkar, Today Lives In A Slum

 Sachin Tendulkar: Just before Sachin's rise, one of Achrekar's favorite students was Anil Gurav.  Which many cricket lovers may not know.  Do you remember the name?  Can't read.

Anil Gurav: Was a bigger star than Sachin, spending days in the dark room of the slum!

Anil Gurav: Was a bigger star than Sachin, spending days in the dark room of the slum!

MUMBAI: A king today, a fakir tomorrow... this saying is cruel but true.  Many talents are lost in the course of time.  A twist of fate changes the course of life.  Even after reaching the pinnacle of fame, one has to be empty.  Cricket gives a lot to someone, but no one gets the opportunity they deserve.  Sachin Tendulkar (Sachin Tendulkar) may not have achieved the global fame without Ramakant Achrekar (Ramakant Achrekar).  In words, Jahuri knows diamonds... that's exactly what happened with Sir Achrekar.  Sachin is a cricketing prodigy, Achrekar said.  But just before Sachin's rise, one of Achrekar's favorite students was Anil Gurav.  Which many cricket lovers may not know.  Do you remember the name?  Can't read.  Before Sachin, there is some information about Achrekar's favorite disciple Anil Gurab in this report by Next World Cup.

Sachin, much younger then, trained under Ramakant Achrekar.  At that time Anil Gurab was a very popular name in the cricket world in Mumbai.  Wherever the match was played in Mumbai, Anil Gurv's name was buzzing all around.  It can be thought!  Anil Gurbar was worshiped before him in the Mumbai that saw Sachin… Sachin… roar.  Guru Achrekar once told his two disciples Sachin Tendulkar and Vinod Kambli that if they want to improve in cricket, they should learn from Anil Gurab.

Anil Gurab was called The Viv Richards of Mumbai.  From there, Anil became a slum drunk.  Anil also had to do away with the irony of fate from ruling the fast bouncer of the bowlers at twenty-two yards.  Anil's mother's condition in a family of scarcity was like panta furno to fetch salt.  Anil's mother had to struggle to pay for the education of her two sons.  He also sent Anil to Mumbai coach Ramakant Achrekar for cricket training.  Achrekar took advantage of the talent that was in him.  From then on, from neighborhood cricket to school cricket, the slogan of the same name was used — Anil… Anil… Gurab… Gurab…

Anil used to score centuries in school cricket.  He also held back-to-back records in Mumbai's age group.  He was a master at knocking out strong bowlers.  There were very few cricketers like him who could hook the bouncer, play every shot with skill.  However, he could not catch the attention of the selectors in that sense.  Right before Sachin's rise, Anil's ardent fans in the eighties included Sachin and Vinod Kambli.  They would often watch Gurv batting in the nets for hours.  Achrekar told Sachin-Kambali to learn from him.  About which Gurab said, “Sachin loved my cut and hook shots.  He also took some tips from me on playing with energy."

Sachin, whom he used to copy from the front, where is he today and where is Sachin standing?  It's surprising to think.  Being a senior, Sachin used to call Gurab as 'Sir' at that time.  Kambali sir used to say.  Not only that, Sachin wanted to use Gurbar's bat very much.  But the shy Sachin himself could never tell that to Anil.  At that time, cricketer Ramesh Parab informed Gurab about this desire of Sachin.  After that Anil called Sachin on the same day.  After that he called Sachin and gave the bat in his hand and said, 'I am giving this bat on one condition, I have to play a very big innings'.  Sachin kept his word by scoring a hundred in that match.  But Anil did not return his bat.

Gurab could not stay in the light of cricket world for long.  While Anil on one side is busy ruling the bowlers with the bat at 22 yards, his younger brother Ajit is desperate to rule Mumbai with the gun.  Fate did not take long to turn.  On one hand, Anil continued to look for better opportunities in cricket, on the other hand, Ajit continued to increase his links with the criminal world.

Sometimes Anil and his mother were beaten up by the police who came home to look for their brother.  One time the police beat Anil and broke his leg.  At that time, Anil hoped that someone would come forward to rescue him from the cricket world due to his good cricket performance.  Which actually didn't happen.  After that Anil was overcome with despair.  He started to get addicted.  It may be noted that in 1994, Anil was able to convince the police that Ajith had no relationship with him and his mother.  Since then, police output has been declining.  But Anil did not return to cricket.  He now lives in Nalasupara, a slum in Mumbai.  The paint of the house is peeling off the walls.  The condition of the body in the bones.  Who will say that Sachin tried to imitate this man at one time?

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