FIFA World Cup 2022 : 500 workers died, the truth is a bit of Qatar!

More than 500 workers died while building the stadium in intense heat. Will the number be 500? Or more than that, the debate is not resolved.
FIFA World Cup 2022

Doha: The curtain has finally lifted on the controversy. Qatar World Cup 2022, which has faced no less controversy in hosting the World Cup, has built seven new stadiums in the desert country at a huge cost. And while doing so, that country has been in a fierce debate. The outside world claimed that Qatar had shed a river of blood to build a modern stadium for the World Cup. The Qatari government has denied it until now. But this time they were forced to give up under pressure. Accepted, more than 500 workers died while building the stadium in intense heat. Will the number be 500? Or more than that, the debate is not resolved. Many claim that more than a thousand workers died during the construction of the stadium. But Qatar did not compensate them due to their loss of life. As soon as the interview of World Cup chief Hasan Al Thawari came out, there was a sensation. What did he say, Next World Cup reported.

Hasan said in an interview given to TalkTV's Piers Morgan, 'The number could be 400. Or maybe 400 to 500. I don't know the exact number.' Although Hasan avoided saying that he did not know the number of workers who died, he escalated the controversy. He knew very well that the World Cup chief would have to face this unpleasant question. Qatar has spent a lot of money in hosting the World Cup for the last 12 years. A large number of workers were flown in from Asia to build the stadium. Workers mainly involved in constructions were also paid extra money as daily wages. But forced to work at a temperature of 50 degrees, it is also said. Qatar has been accused of human rights violations. The people of the world have put the desert on the table.

Hasan again said that only 3 people died while building the stadium. The rest of the workers died while doing infrastructure work. In Hasan's words, I understand well that many others die with one death. But the health and safety of the sites where the work was done gradually increased. As a result, unpleasant incidents gradually started to decrease.

There is no shortage of controversy surrounding Qatar. Amidst all this, the storm of controversy has become stronger, it can be said.

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